Thursday, May 21, 2009

Bye bye baby, for a little while

For those of you who haven't noticed, I haven't written a blog-post in a long time. What can I say. Life has taken over. Being an angry mother of two, battling the flu, trying to survive to the end of the school-year with all the end of season activity-parties and planning the summer vacation, it's been hectic.

I also haven't had any inspiration to write anything vaguely child or family orientated for a while. Life has just been plodding along, and I have simply been trying to keep up.

Therefor, I am closing the blog down for now. Or, rather. I am leaving it as it is, and towards the end of August I will take start it up again. With a new, fresh outlook on things, and tons of fun rants.

Have a great summer, everyone. Look after your little'uns and yourselves. Make sure to get plenty of ME-time. You all deserve it!!