I have made no secret of the fact that I feel very frustrated by this generation of over-protective, hyper-hands on uber-alpha mothers that we live amongst right now. The Hysterical Need To Do Everything And Then Some breed of mothers who raise over-protected and therefore spoilt little brats who have no idea how to function normally and interact socially with other people.
But here's the thing. Can you help but be nervously fretting that you will ruin your child every chance at a decent life if every one around us tells us the opposite? If we are being force-fed opinions left, right and centre (usually supported by "Experts") on how and where and what we are doing wrong every given second we are trying to everything right for our children?
We are irresponsible for taking them to the playground because it is a germ-filled and dangerous place. So instead we build a mini-Disney-land in our back-garden, because we know that children can't be without physical stimulation.
We would be scolded for leaving our children in day-care, yet we are told about the importance on social creatively simulating interaction, so we are being bad parents if we don't sign them up to at least three activities a day.
I could go on.
In my case, I actually found myself (and I would brand myself as a fairly chilled out person and my style of mothering to be the same) lie awake in bed one night fretting over the fact that I let my son go to sleep with a bottle of warm milk at night.
It is the only way he will sleep, and finding that out put a stop to months of agonizing bed-time routines (or rather, lack of) where it would take hours for him to settle. My husband figured it out. I was still very much in the "no-outside-stimulation-before-sleep" zone, but had to give in, finally.
- Why would you fight me on this one? he asked me as I in a last, exhausted attempt, tried to tell him that what he did was wrong.
- He's falling asleep, doesn't he? he asked. Within minutes. Why not just do this, and make it easy for us?
Because I knew what my pediatrician would tell me from now on, at every check-up we went to.
- You can't let him fall asleep with a bottle. You will ruin his teeth.
IE: What you are doing is bad, and you are inflicting pain and hurt on to your child and you will scar him for life and all this because you are a selfish, lazy parent who just can't do the right thing.
All because of peaceful bedtime.... Is it worth it?
So I lie awake in bed, thinking about what I am doing to my son as he, and the rest of the family lie nicely tucked in and sleep away in Wonderland. And all I wanted was to be a good mother, to do the right thing, but to also have some peace and quiet after a long, stressful and hectic day.
This is what we are doing right now. This is what society, and us, are doing to each other. If it's not teeth, it's something else. The lack of physical sports-activities which you are sure will harm your child although all he has never showed any interest what so ever in any sports, he'd rather play guitar. The times you have not read four books at bedtime, because you are exhausted, and now you think your daughters reading might suffer.
The times you have turned on SpongeBob Squarepants when really, it should be a strict diet of Baby Einstein although Baby Einstein doesn't seem to captivate them for very long, and you really need them out of your way because you need to cook, and fold clean clothes and make that phone-call, and-.
Is it any wonder that we are nervous wrecks? Is it any wonder that mother's will try and compensate for their lack of perfection in the areas that they feel that they
are in control of???
And most importantly: as it is happening to all of us, us mothers should support each other, not point out where we might go wrong. It is hard enough as it is without the rest of society trying to brand us a irresponsible, thoughtless, selfish mothers, we don't need to tell each other that too.