Not another cutesy mother-baby blog, this is an angry voice from someone who's had enough of the motherhood-trap.
Monday, March 23, 2009
Some things to read
There is a site that I don't really ever read, called Blissfully Domestic, but there is also a site I tend to read, called Bad Mommy Blogger, and they had this posting the other day which I have to pass on.
I am a happy mother, reluctant housewife and frustrated woman, blogging about everything wife, mother, woman and children related. It would be boring if we all agreed all the time so comments are not only welcome, they are strongly encouraged, and will always be recognized.
This is not a cute blog about a happy mother and the endless joys of motherhood. This is an angry blog about the motherhood-trap. It is a refusal to adapt to society's idea of Mother and an attempt to open up a discussion about why women let themselves be defined instead of defining themselves.
Where is affordable child-care, where is flexible working hours, where is the support from our government, from our husbands, from each other? Why are we happy falling in to the motherhood-trap, with pancakes and playgroups and the feeling of loosing ourselves.
This is a blog about alternative motherhood, about keeping your sense of self instead of heading for a slow death. I am a proud but disappointed mother. This is my voice.
For comments, questions, ideas, rants, or thoughts, please email me on, or post a comment on the blog.
Greatt post