If I had a dollar for every night Leo kicks up a tantrum when I utter the word Bedtime, I would be living in a very big house with no mortgage right now.
I don't get this. How can it come as a surprise, night after night after night. It's seven o'clock - time for bed.
Darn it - tonight again??? But I went to be last night. And the night before that!!!
This is one of the most boring, predictable, and downright frustrating parenting - routine's, I think. You are so tired anyway, and to have to fight, yet again, the same battle, abuse the same arguments, listen to the same falsetto crying - again, is torture.
This is one of the only times I actually wish I was a man, or my husband, to be more specific. All he has to do is to use a very serious voice, and there are no tears, just plain sailing.
It's so unfair.
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