It's March, and I am im/patiently waiting to hear from the only two pre-schools we applied to, if Leo has a place after the summer.
Going against the grain, as I usually do, I decided against applying to 30 different schools, mostly because I didn't find 30 schools I like, and also because my life is not just about doing pre-school tours. I also don't have the money required for all the application fees. If my son's future will suffer from this, so may be it.
I also had to limit my choices extensively since I wanted a school that takes non-potty trained children. This is a huge deal breaker for me. I think life with a toddler is hard enough without added pressure. I also believe that potty training is something that the child should be ready for. If you start too early, and the child is not intellectually ready for this process, you are often in for a lot of hard work (and many, many changes of clothes and bed-linen).
This said, out of the two pre-schools I found, and that I really liked and applied to, one of them I have a slim to no chance at all in getting in to. It is hugely popular and the wait list is out of this world. So hat leaves me with only one choice. My number one choice, my only hope.
I have no idea how this will turn out.
I will find out, at some point this month.
There is always home schooling, I guess. Or we just have to live with the fact that while Kate is going to university, Leo will stay at home with us, for ever and ever.....
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